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Energy and water saving – GREEN HORECA

Low-flow pre-rinse spray valve

What is a pre-rinse spray valve?

A pre-rinse spray valve is a handheld device that uses a spray of water to remove food waste from dishes and utensils before placing them in the dishwasher. In a typical restaurant, dishwasher consumes more than 50% of all the water used in the restaurant, and nearly 50% of that water is used by a pre-rinse spray valve to rinse the dishes before actually washing. In other words, a pre-rinse spray valve consumes a quarter of the water consumed in a restaurant.

A low-flow pre-rinse spray valve is one of the easiest and most cost-effective water saving devices any food service operation can install. The design of low-flow pre-rinse spray valves  allows them to use significantly less water than standard models, but without sacrificing cleaning power.

How it can save water and energy?

A traditional spray valves will use from 10 liters to 15 liters water per minute. But a low-flow, pre-rinse spray valve will use around 4 liters of water per minute. Low-flow valves are still powerful enough to rinse dishes, but use far less energy and water.

If the low-flow pre-rinse spray valves uses hot water to rinse dishes so by saving water, you also save energy. Using low flow pre-rinse spray valves is a great method to save money, save water and energy, so help the environment.


Low-flow pre-rinse spray valve 4 LPM


Green ideas for Hotels & Resort

A hotel or resort consists of divisions operating together, In other to go green, we should make policies for the whole hotel and there are rules for each division with the following ideas:

Energy and Water saving

  • To reduce water use, consider using rainwater harvesting, greywater system, and/or air conditioner or refrigerant condensate for needs such as irrigation, toilet flushing, or fire suppression systems.
  • Switch to drought resistant native plants in garden areas
  • To reduce operational costs, water and energy consider installing an ozone laundry system.
  • Switch to low flow or dual flush toilets.
  • Make sure all waste-water is being properly treated either through an onsite or municipal sewage system.
  • Follow 5 ways to save water in the restaurant kitchens
  • Start a linen (both towels and sheets) reuse program in all guest rooms.
  • Switch to LED regular and tube lights in guest rooms, lobbies, and hallways.
  • Install keycard master switches or occupancy sensors in guest rooms that control lights, electronics, blinds and temperature settings.
  • Use an energy management (or building management system) to tie in air handling units, HVAC, and lighting to prevent conditioning space when it is not necessary.
  • Use daylight exclusively in your lobby, bar, and restaurant for as much of the day as possible.
  • Consider using geothermal technologies, waste heat recovery, cooling tower. Set the indoor cooling setpoint to 23° C or higher and heating setpoint to 23° C or lower and put limits on cooling and heating ranges throughout the building and guest rooms.
  • Replace old washing machines with both water and energy conserving models.
  • Install window film to lower heating and cooling loads and reduce glare in guest rooms.
  • Plant shade trees or add overhangs on south and west facing walls to reduce energy use for heating and cooling.
  • If the hotel has a pool or hot tub that requires heating, install a solar PV system and air-source heat pump.
  • In hot and sunny climates, use insulation for roofs.
  • Install an inverter equipment for exhaust fansin the kitchen.
  • Install a renewable energy system onsite.

Fume, waste disposal and recycling

  • Install fume purifier, sound absorption device on the kitchen exhaust system and fan.
  • Install grease trap in the kitchen drain.
  • Provide guest room recycling baskets for newspaper, paper, glass, aluminum, cardboard, metal and plastic.
  • Provide recycling bins in public areas, in the kitchen, and in the back office to make recycling as easy as possible.
  • Learn about local regulation and rules of hazardous waste collection ( printer cartridges,  batteries, electronics, paint, coating, …) and keep a separate bin to store these for drop off.

Food & Beverage division:

If your hotel has F & B division that runs a restaurant, consider transitioning it into a green restaurant:

  • Buy organic, locally-grown food to provide fresh produce for customers.
  • Take steps to reduce food waste.
  • Train kitchen employees to turn off ventilation hoods when the cooking appliances are off, or adjust inverter equipment for exhaust fans when reducing cooking capacity to save energy.
  • Provide reusable items such as cloth napkins, glass cups, ceramic dishes, etc. with all food and beverage services.
  • Follow 5 ways to save water in the restaurant kitchens


If your hotel has a garden, consider fllowing ideas:

  • Purchase plants that are native to your area.
  • Build a small lake with fishes, a stream.
  • Learn how to attract hummingbirds, butterflies and birds
  • Consider creating an organic food garden for the kitchen.
  • Use public solar lights.

F.O and Rooms Divisions

  • Provide local green guides, biking guides and hiking and information about the local environment and conservation efforts.
  • Provide guests bicycles, walking maps, and information on public transportation.
  • Provide glass cups and ceramic mugs (instead of plastic) for in-room beverages. Place cups and mugs upside down on paper doilies (instead of covering opening with a plastic wrapping).
  • Offer free battery charging for green vehicles.

Sales & Marketing Department

  • Get hotel certified through local or country government, or other environmental organizations. It can help promote your work.
  • Promote the hotel’s green programs to guests, online and offline.
  • Post informational posters in break rooms and guest areas as a format for communicating your green practices to your guests.
  • Offer discounted rates to environmental organizations who would like stay or hold meetings at hotel.

Back office

  • Purchasing division should create a sustainable and green purchasing policy throughout the hotel.
  • Minimize the amount of paper used in the office
  • Buy furniture that has recycled content, rapidly renewable materials, locally produced.
  • Buy office and guest amenity products that contain recycled material.
  • If offering dry cleaning services, use nontoxic, biodegradable dry cleaning solvent substitutes.
  • Buy nontoxic, biodegradable cleaning, laundry and dishwashing products
  • Buy organic, biodegradable, fair trade, locally-produced, cruelty-free guest amenity products with minimal or recycled, plastic-free packaging whenever possible.


  • Create a ‘green team’ at Hotel with the goal of continual improvement and scheduled re-evaluation and reporting.  Provide yearly staff training on green practices throughout the buildings
  • Create an incentive program to encourage staff to participate in and improve upon environmentally-friendly practices.

5 ways to save water in the restaurant kitchens

Today, most of customers showing a preference for eco-friendly restaurants, restaurant sustainability ideas like water conservation are crucial to staying competitive. Saving water will also add up to some big cost savings.

In a restaurant, the largest uses of water occur in the kitchen. Water is a necessity in commercial kitchen operations, but it’s still a limited resource and need to save. Water saving in the restaurant kitchen is one of the most important works should be do to accomplish the green restaurant target.

5 ways to save water in the restaurant kitchens:

1. Use water saving faucets to reduce water consumption.

      – Low – flow faucets: Hygiene and cleanliness are the most important things in the restaurant industry, that means a lot of hand washing occurs throughout the day, from both customers and staff. Installing low-flow faucets, preferably ones with motion sensors, are a simple, inexpensive and effective way to immediately decrease water consumption.

Low flow faucet – image hgtv.com

      – A low-flow, pre-rinse spray valve: In restaurants kitchen, dishes before manually washing or loading them into a dishwasher will be rinsed by hand. A traditional spray valves will use from 10 liters to 15 liters water per minute. But A low-flow, pre-rinse spray valve will use less than 4 liters of water per minute. Low-flow valves are still powerful enough to rinse dishes, but use far less energy and water.

See more about low-flow pre-rinse spray valve 

Low-flow spray valve, image: tsbras

2. Use water saving kitchen equipment:

– Improved day after day, commercial kitchen equipment is more energy-efficient than ever before. Upgrading your steam cooker, dishwasher, and ice machine to Energy saving models will help your restaurant save more water. Some Energy saving appliance models actually reuse water throughout cycles to help combat restaurant water waste.

3. Use a water filtration system for restaurant

Customers want food that is cooked with safe, pure, fresh water. Employees need to drink clean water to keep them going throughout their long shifts. Installing a water filtration system in restaurant kitchen will allow cooks and other staff members to dispense the right amount of clean, filtered water for cooking and drinking.

4. Fix leaky faucets and pipes

Drips and leaks in a faucet, appliance or pipe waste a surprising amount of water. One-time plumber fee will save money and water in the long run.

5. Build employee awareness:

Human control all activities and and use all equipment, so teach employees that water consumption is important, and train them on how to use only what’s necessary. Training kitchen staff can help you significantly reduce water waste in restaurant.

Encouraging and training employees to build a green restaurant is to help the restaurant develop sustainably.


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