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Green Horeca products – GREEN HORECA

Biodegradable Trash Bags

Go green be part of the movement to create a more sustainable planet. The biodegradable and compostable trash bags are eco-friendly products and should be used in Horeca industry.

Equip restaurant outlet, kitchen, guest room, office, or any other facility producing waste with biodegradable trash bags. Certified as compostable and biodegradable, these liners work toward reducing landfill waste and pollution, creating a more sustainable environment.

In addition, also check out the list of eco-friendly biodegradable and compostable products you need to use:

  • Biodegradable and compostable plates, bowls, and trays.
  • Biodegradable and compostable paper take out containers.

Grease trap

What is a grease trap?

A grease trap (also known as grease interceptor) is a plumbing device (a type of trap) designed to intercept most greases and solids before they enter a wastewater disposal system.

In the most basic terms, a grease trap works by slowing down the flow of warm/hot greasy water and allowing it to cool. As the water cools, the grease and oil in the water separate out and float to the top of the trap.

Grease trap usually made from stainless steel or plastic in a rectangular box or cylindrical round with water inlet and outlet, and some other technical walls inside.

image: sswm.info

The importance of grease trap

It is perfectly normal for a small amount of waste oil to enter into septic tanks or other treatment facilities. However, when there is a large amount of grease such as in restaurant kitchen, the waste oils can quickly overwhelm either a septic tank or treatment facilities. This makes it critically important for restaurant owners who want to make sure they do not have to pay for the high cost of replacing a septic system or fixing the drainage pipe system … or fines imposed by the government if they are on public sewage.

In addition, grease traps contribute to the cleaning of kitchen waste water into the public water treatment system. This is an environmental protection equipment.

So, installing grease traps in restaurant kitchen is the best and “must” solution.

How does grease trap works?

When waste water flows into a water disposal system, such as a septic tank, the oil in this waste water forms scum at the top of the septic tank. This floating layer of scum has to be cleaned out on a periodic basis if it gets too dense for the water to continue flowing.

Most of the time this oily layer of scum is slowly digested and broken down by microorganisms that are part of the anaerobic digestion process.

However, when there are large amounts of oil, such as from sinks or dish washing machine in restaurant kitchen, the result is often for it to overwhelm the abilities of the septic tank and this will result in blockage of pipes, and the inability to dispose of solids properly in the septic tank system.

Additionally, some types of high viscosity fats such as cooking grease or lard tend to solidify when they get cold. These can then combine with other disposed solids which can create a significant blockage problem.

People typically install traps between the sinks in the kitchen and the sewer system. The traps reduce the number of fats, oil, and greases that enter the sewer system.

Source: https://fupur.com/grease-trap/

Low-flow pre-rinse spray valve

What is a pre-rinse spray valve?

A pre-rinse spray valve is a handheld device that uses a spray of water to remove food waste from dishes and utensils before placing them in the dishwasher. In a typical restaurant, dishwasher consumes more than 50% of all the water used in the restaurant, and nearly 50% of that water is used by a pre-rinse spray valve to rinse the dishes before actually washing. In other words, a pre-rinse spray valve consumes a quarter of the water consumed in a restaurant.

A low-flow pre-rinse spray valve is one of the easiest and most cost-effective water saving devices any food service operation can install. The design of low-flow pre-rinse spray valves  allows them to use significantly less water than standard models, but without sacrificing cleaning power.

How it can save water and energy?

A traditional spray valves will use from 10 liters to 15 liters water per minute. But a low-flow, pre-rinse spray valve will use around 4 liters of water per minute. Low-flow valves are still powerful enough to rinse dishes, but use far less energy and water.

If the low-flow pre-rinse spray valves uses hot water to rinse dishes so by saving water, you also save energy. Using low flow pre-rinse spray valves is a great method to save money, save water and energy, so help the environment.


Low-flow pre-rinse spray valve 4 LPM


Eco-friendly amenities for hotels and resorts

Eco-friendly products will has less impact on the environment. A  green hotel must provide eco-friendly amenities in rooms. Check the list below:

  • Eco-friendly Toiletries (Shampoo, Bath gel, Body lotion): Ayurvedic and Organic  Dầu gội
  • Eco-friendly Bath gel: Sữa tắm
  • Eco-friendly Body lotion: Sữa dưỡng thể
  • Eco-friendly dental kit with wooden or bamboo tooth brushes: Kem đánh răng và bàn chải
  • Eco-friendly wooden comb: Lược
  • Eco-friendly Vanity kit: Túi hộ lý gồm giũa móng, bông tảy trang, tăm bông
  • Eco-friendly Bath cap: Mũ tắm/ Chụp tóc
  • Eco-friendly Soap in a transparent plastic bag: Xà bông tắm
  • Eco-friendly Slipper: Dép
  • Eco-friendly wooden or bamboo pen: Bút
  • Eco-friendly sanitary bag: Changing sanitary bags from plastic to paper Túi vệ sinh
  • Eco-friendly Laundry bag: Túi giặt là
  • Eco-friendly paper coaster: Lót ly
  • Eco-friendly paper shooting glasses bag, or place glasses upside down on paper doilies.
  • Eco-friendly Shaving kit: Dao cạo râu và kem
  • Eco-friendly Sewing kit: Bộ kim chỉ
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