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Checklist to green your HoReCa – GREEN HORECA

Checklist to green your HoReCa

1. Saving energy and water: Using alternative energy systems. Solar energy is the most common renewable energy source in the hotel industry, especially for water heating. Led lights are popular for almost areas of Hotels, restaurants, cafe. A policy of electric and water using for save must be issued and training for all staff to accomplish the goals.

2. Waste disposal and Eco friendly products: Your hotel and restaurant should has an active policy to recycle, reuse and a policy to limit the use of plastics and other disposable materials. It is better to reduce plastic use by forgoing bottled water completely and introducing filtered water dispensers and refillable bottles made of sustainable materials. Eco-friendly products should be used in all divisions of Hotel, restaurant.

Environmental protection equipment and solutions must be applied to the restaurant kitchen such as following:

  • Oil mist, odor and fumes purifier must be installed on the exhaust system of the restaurant kitchen.
  • Grease traps must be installed under sinks, dishwashers, drains, …
  • Sound absorption methods should be applied for sound from noisy equipment such as blowers from exhausts.

3. Team of Green HoReCa: Your Hotel, Restaurant, Cafe should have a “Green HoReCa team” with a leader who is responsible for training and disseminating basic knowledge and expertise for the entire staff on environmental protection and sustainable development in the Horeca industry. Please note that human intervention is still the best way to make sure that you’re running an Eco-friendly HoReCa.

All above ideas will contribute to make up your HoReCa friendly to the environment.


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